Tuesday, September 30, 2014


While traveling by bike around Colombia, I took note of a few things and wanted to provide some general information on a few topics in case any readers were interested in traveling there. This list is by no means complete nor meant to be accurate, but merely things based on my personal observation.

Capital City: Bogota. We all know it for CicLoVia, a public holiday held every Sunday since 1976 when streets are closed for cyclists, runners, and roller-bladers. No cars. It's a great recreational activity to see in such a big city. Los Angeles has adopted a similar street closure called CicLAVia, held a few times each year. These are all great events to participate in and to see their growth!

Addresses in Bogota and other large cities in Colombia follow a calle and carrera pattern. Typically at most intersections, these "street" and "main road" numbers are found on the corner of buildings.

Along each street are address numbers that refer to the nearest main street and the actual address number, with a dash between the two. Letters can be used to indicate multiple streets of the same number, such as 2, 2A, 2B. There are plenty of exceptions but that would appear to be the basic system.

Currency: The Colombian Peso. As of September 2014, ~2,024 pesos per one American dollar.

License Plate Example: 

Recreational Activities: Soccer (futbol), pool, road/mountain biking, and a uniquely Colombian game called tejo.
Popular Fruits: Guayaba (aka Guava), Papaya, Passion Fruit, and many others!
Must-Try Street Food: Arepa con queso, or even better, arepa con huevo

Even McDonalds sold arepas, but the best are the grilled ones from the street vendors.
This one is a bit much, but it was a Sunday special.

Awesome Restaurant Plate: Mazorca desgranada, a snack of corn, shredded potato, and meat. 

Typical Souvenir Gift: The mochila bag. The best place to buy them is in Riohacha.

Favorite Cities Visited: Riohacha, Santa Veronica, and Suesca, among many others.

Bebidas (Drinks): Aguila brand beer or jugos con leche. Must try the guayaba jugo con leche con azucar!

Music: Nicky Jams

Best Bank for ATM Withdrawal: Servibanca. They give you the highest limit to withdraw, at 760 thousand pesos, as well as give it to you in bills of 20,000 pesos rather than the typical 50,000 bill. And trust me, change is hard to get for a 50,000 peso bill sometimes.

Gas Prices:  Similar to California gas prices at the time, ~$4 per gallon as of September 2014.

Favorite Road Sign:



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