Sleeping Locations

The blog of another bike tour guy mentioned it would be cool to snap a picture of all the places I sleep at each night. Because I like the idea so much, I'm dedicating this whole section of the blog just to that. Hopefully, I'll remember to snap a picture of all the unique places I end up. For now, here they are:

Night 34: $8 hotel room in Zumba, Ecuador.

Night 33: Front yard of a generous señor near Isimanchi, Ecuador.

Night 32: Church side courtyard in Valladolid, Ecuador.

Night 29, 30, 31: Hostel bed in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, at the beautiful and relaxing Izhcaylume Hostel, a great place to rest up and get over some sickness. I was fortunate enough to meet John and Betti of

Night 28: Behind the fire trucks in Loja, Ecuador.

Night 27: Hotel for 20 bucks a room, split with Felix.

Night 26: Gym at the bomberos station in Gualaquiza. We were told they did not have people stay with them for over a year because some bike tour guys used something that "smelled" late in the night, something that was not allowed at a fire house. When asked why Felix and I could stay, the Captain said he looked into our eyes and simply knew. Props to him for running an intense CicLoVia on a Friday night!

Night 25: Assembly room at the bomberos station in Limon, Ecuador.

Night 24: Casino room at the bomberos station in Macas.

Night 22 and 23: Bomberos station in Puyo, Ecuador. Super nice.

Night 21: Hostel bunk beds in Banos, Ecuador, for 7 bucks a person.

Night 20:  Warm showers host in Latacunga, Colombia.

Night 17, 18 and 19: Casa De Cyclista in Tumbaco, Ecuador (cerca de Quito). Great friendly place for all bike touring folks!

Night 16: Church courtyard in El Quinche, Ecuador. I asked the priest for a place to stay and while waiting for him to finish blessing a car with holy water. He had his assistant (an umbrella holder) show me this corner spot in the large gated courtyard. Did I mention it was raining? Regardless, I was happy for another free night of secure camping!

Night 15: Bomberos station in Ibarra, Ecuador. I rolled into town and asked a local gas station for the bomberos station, which they directed me to very well. I gave the bomberos the usual, "Yo soy Americano. Yo tengo tienda y bolsa por dormir. Possible estacion por dormir? Uno noche, uno persona". They had me wait a few awkward minutes while they talked amongst themselves and made a phone call over their radio. Finally, a small red pickup truck pulled up and they asked me to put my bike in the back. I joined three other firefighters in the truck as we drove across town to another bomberos station. It was there that they gave an entire room for me to use. And see that desk in the corner? That was great to see. One thing I have realized while traveling is just how nice it is to have a place to sit. It might sound odd, but think about what Starbucks provides for all of its paying customers! Places like this are great to sit and read or to write and draw.

Night 14: Residencia in San Gabriel, Ecuador, with new friend, Eric.

Night 13: Hostel in Ipiales, Colombia, before crossing the border into Ecuador.

Night 11 and 12: Hotel in Pasto, Colombia. Took a rest day to relax a bit from biking.

Night 10: Gas station hotel ~10 km before Chachagui, Colombia.

Night 9: Gas station hotel in El Estrecho, Colombia.

Night 8: Residencia in Popayan. A small room with bed and desk.  (12,000 pesos)

Night 7: Bomberos station of Piendamo, Colombia. Very young volunteer firefighters in training. Great to see the youth so involved!

Night 6: Bomberos station in Santander de Quilichao, Colombia, behind some trucks. Very friendly voluntary firefighters.

Night 5: Homestay with the generous family of Wilder in lovely Tulua, Colombia! Super nice to invite me over for a pleasant night of dinner, helado, and some Spanish lessons (via Youtube music videos).

Night 4: On the floor of a residential dorm in Caicedonia, Colombia. Basically, a room that was not yet ready for a family to live in, so they rented it out to me for 10,000 pesos 5,000 (with some bartering) for the night.

Night 3: Standard hotel room in Cajamarca, Colombia

Night 2: Bomberos station in Ibague, Colombia

Night 1: Economico hotel with pool in Melgar, Colombia

--------Starting Over---------

Night 16:  Hakim Family (Panama City, Panama)

Night 15: Bomberos (Arrijan, Panama)

Night 14: Bomberos (La Chorrera, Panama)

Night 13: Beach Camping (Playa Santa Clara, Panama)

Night 12: Bomberos (Penelome, Panama)

Night 11:Hotel (Santiago, Panama)

Night 10: Bomberos (Santiago, Panama)

Night 9:  Old lady's home (Llano de los Ruices, Panama)

Night 8: Dairy Farm (San Lorenzo, Panama)

Night 7: Hostel Morado (David, Panama)

Night 6: Cruz Roja (Ciudad de Neilly, Costa Rica)

Night 5: Bomberos (Palmar Norte, Costa Rica)

Night 4: Cool Vibes Hostel (Playa Dominical, Costa Rica)

Night 3:  Boyess Bar and Restaurant (Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica)

Night 2: Bomberos (Jaco, Costa Rica)

Night 1: Hotel (Orotina, Costa Rica)


  1. Is that a VW I see? Was it chance or fate, Captain??

  2. That´s cool. We started doing the same, but then got lazy half way through...Enjoy Perú and the incredible scenery! For us, it was definitely the most wonderful and interesting country of the trip...followed closely by Colombia!
